Women lead organisation

About Us

Creating concepts that make everyday beauty uncomplicated & effortless.

Innovative conceptualisation meets ease.

Naxpar Health Concepts serves as the marketing arm of Naxpar Group, a conglomerate that encompasses Naxpar Pharma, one of India’s largest manufacturers specialising in oral liquid formulations. Our overarching mission is to simplify skincare and haircare for individuals of all age groups in today’s dynamic landscape, offering them uncomplicated and innovative solutions. We are acutely aware of the challenges posed by hectic lifestyles and environmental pollution in India, and we are resolutely committed to meeting the needs of contemporary Indians, including women entering the workforce, who face time constraints when it comes to elaborate beauty routines. Our unwavering commitment to delivering top-quality, affordable, and effective products is steered by our women-led team, with CEO Ami Shah and Sales & Marketing Head Ujwala Patil at the helm. As an integral part of the Naxpar Group, we leverage the profound expertise and sterling reputation of a leading pharmaceutical manufacturing entity to present innovative products that promote the health and vitality of skin and hair for the modern-day Indian population.

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